Psychologists and Psychiatrists
Hilliard Pediatrics, Inc. - Dr. Tim Teller, MD
Below is a list of psychologists and psychiatrists that our patients have seen for a variety of issues. As with seeing any specialist, your insurance may have a specific list of providers or encourage you to access a psychologist or psychiatrist through a referral source specific to your insurance. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance (and/or their current provider directory) regarding any specific referral requirements. However, once you supply us with specific information about an appointment with a provider, we will send into the insurance any specific referral information that they require. In addition, you should know that insurance coverage of appointments with psychologists and psychiatrists varies widely between different insurance plans. Therefore, it is possible that these appointments will not be covered by your insurance (and will be an out-of-pocket expense).
There are some important differences between a psychologist and psychiatrist. A psychologist has a Ph.D.; does counseling, testing, and assessments; and cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist has a M.D. or D.O.; does counseling, treatments, and therapy; and can prescribe medication for a variety of issues: Attention Deficit Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and many others. We will discuss with you whether your child would most likely benefit from seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Psychologists and Counseling
- Bethel Olentangy Psychological Services
- 4949 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, OH 43214
- Phone: 614-451-6606
- Website:
- Providers for Healthy Living
- 3931 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-664-3595
- Website:
- Metta Psychology Group
- 1560 Fishinger Rd., Suite 260, Columbus, OH 43221
- Phone:614-705-0026
- Website:
- Note: Drs. Shannon Johnson, Sasha Ribic, and Kelli Riedl take pediatric patients
- Janet Hansen, PhD - Developmental Assessments
- 3663 Ridge Mill Dr., Suite 103, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-219-1510
- Website:
- Dr. Steven C. Guy & Associates - Neuropsychology
- 170 Northwoods Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235
- Phone:614-848-9708
- Website:
- Tawnya S. Foster, PsyD
- 11 West Cooke Rd, Suite 6, Columbus, OH 43214
- Phone:614-947-0918
- Website:
- Note: preschool through teenagers
- Susan Weltner-Brunton, PhD & Associates - Educational testing and Mood
- 921 Chatham Ln, Suite 112, Columbus, OH 43221
- Phone:614-754-7648
- Website:
- Dr. Robert Gordon & Associates
- 5174 Blazer Pkwy, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone:614-792-9104
- Website:
- Boland & Associates
- 3780 Ridge Mill Dr., Suite 110, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-219-1510
- Website:
- LifeStance Health - Multiple Locations, 2 in Hilliard
- Norwich Street Location - 5123 Norwich St., Suite 110 and 230, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-467-3546
- Trueman Court Location - 3779 Trueman Ct., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone: 614-541-5030
- Website:
- Norwich Street Location - 5123 Norwich St., Suite 110 and 230, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Grove City Psychological Services
- 3774 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123
- Phone:614-871-0035
- Website:
- Cosan Counseling
- 6063 Frantz Rd., Suite 204, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 614-467-9182
- Website:
- Gestalt Columbus - Play Therapy
- Upper Arlington Office - 1720 Zollinger Rd., Columbus, OH 43221
- Phone: 614-852-4866
- Website:
- Crossroads Counseling Group - Ages 6+
- Dublin Office - 5130 Blazer Pkwy., Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 614-263-8161
- Website:
- Cornerstone Family Services
- Main Office - 1565 Bethel Rd., Columbus, OH 43220
- Phone: 614-459-3003
- Website:
- Syntero Counseling Services - Multiple Locations, 2 near Hilliard
- Hilliard Location - 3645 Ridge Mill Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone: 614-457-7876
- Dublin Location - 299 Cramer Creek Ct., Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 614-889-5722
- Website:
- Hilliard Location - 3645 Ridge Mill Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Orleans Psychological Services - ADHD, Learning
- 35 West Olentangy St., Powell, OH 43065
- Phone: 614-436-4457
- Website:
- Foundations Family Counseling
- Dublin Location - 6099 Riverside Dr., Suite 101, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 614-504-4484
- Worthington Location - 6641 N. High St., Suite 205, Worthington, OH 43085
- Phone: 614-504-4466
- Website:
- Dublin Location - 6099 Riverside Dr., Suite 101, Dublin, OH 43017
- Darby Creek Counseling
- Hilliard Location: 5548 Hilliard Rome Office Park, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone: 740-845-8652
- Website:
- Children First Counseling
- 1115 Bethel Rd., Columbus, OH 43220
- Phone: 614-634-3513
- Website:
- UMCH Family Services
- Multiple locations throughout Columbus.
- Phone: 614-885-5020
- Website:
- Nationwide Children's Hospital Behavioral Health
- Multiple locations throughout Columbus.
- Phone: 614-614-355-8080
- Website:
- Brams & Associates - Law, Forensics, Abuse
- Phone: 614-457-0077
- Website:
Eating Disorders
- Nationwide Children's Hospital
- Dr. Gulati, Adolescent Medicine Specialist
- Phone: 614-335-6300
- Website:
- The Emily Program
- 8001 Ravines Edge Court, Columbus,Ohio 43235
- Phone: 888-272-0814
- Website:
- EmpoweRD Nutrition Counseling
- 5202 Bethel Reed Park, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43220
- Phone: 614-682-4500
- Website:
- Eating & Behavioral Health Associates
- 5202 Bethel Reed Park, Suite 200, Columbus, Ohio 43220
- Phone: 614-431-1418
- Website:
Printable list - Psychiatrists
- Nationwide Children's Hospital Psychiatry Department
- Multiple locations across Columbus
- Phone: 614-355-8080
- Website:
- LifeStance Health - Multiple Locations, 2 in Hilliard
- Norwich Street Location - 5123 Norwich St., Suite 110 and 230, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-467-3546
- Trueman Court Location - 3779 Trueman Ct., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone: 614-541-5030
- Website:
- Norwich Street Location - 5123 Norwich St., Suite 110 and 230, Hilliard, OH 43026
- Dale Richard, DO
- 92 Northwoods Blvd., Suite C2, Columbus, OH 43235
- Phone: 614-841-9763
- Website:
- David Scandinaro, MD
- Text: 614-614-578-1010
- Website:
- Providers for Healthy Living
- 3931 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, OH 43026
- Phone:614-664-3595
- Website:
- Michael Schottenstein, MD
- 2700 E. Main St., Suite 206, Bexley, OH 43209
- Phone: 614-470-5582
- Website:
- Concord Counseling
- 700 Brooksedge Blvd., Westerville, OH 43081
- Phone: 614-882-9338
- Website:
- Central Ohio Behavioral Medicine
- 2000 W. Henderson Rd., Suite 325, Columbus, OH 43220
- Phone: 614-538-8300
- Website:
- Buckeye Psychiatry
- 5060 Parkcenter Ave., Suite F, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 614-766-5205
- Website:
- Basheet Lotfi-Fard, MD
- 341 S. Third St., #100-404, Columbus, OH 43215
- Phone: 614-754-6750
- Website:
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Services
- Phone: 614-263-9600
- Website:
Mental Health and/or Drug and Alcohol Crisis Program
- Children and adolescents in crisis are usually evaluated and possibly admitted through the Emergency Department at Nationwide Children’s Hospital at 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio or at
- Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center at 410 W. 10th Street, Columbus, Ohio. Netcare Access at 199 S. Central Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. (ph) 614-276-2273 or 888-276-2273. A joint collaboration between the Ohio State University, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and ADAMH of Franklin County.