Developmental Delays and Autism
Hilliard Pediatrics, Inc. - Dr. Tim Teller, MD
When children are identified as having developmental delays, it may be necessary to see an outside specialist to assist with diagnosis or treatment. We will assist you with finding the right services for your child. You will need to check with your insurance company to find out their coverage for these services and to find out if they have preferred providers.
Autism Resources
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital Autism Diagnostics and Treatment Services. 187 West Schrock Road, Westerville, Ohio 43081. (ph) 614-355-8315.
- Coordinators: Melissa Lawrence and Terry Moore (ph) 614-839-2860.
- The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. 357 McCampbell Hall. 1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210. (ph) 614-292-9844.
- Contact: Sherry Feinstein (ph) 614-247-7190.
- Hopebridge. 6085 Emerald Parkway, Dublin, Ohio 43016. (ph) 614-4824300.
Dr. Janet Hansen, PhD. 3663 Ridge Mill Dr., Suite 103, Hilliard, Ohio 43026. (ph) 614-219-1510.
- Dr. Anne Reckling, PhD. 243 N. Fifth St. Suite 130, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (ph) 614-222-1888.
- Dr. Julie Canfield, PhD. 7650 Rivers Edge Dr. Suite 140, Columbus, Ohio 43235. (ph) 614-578-0718.
- Step By Step Academy, Inc. 1496 Old Henderson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220. (ph) 614-273-0630.
Speech and Hearing Services
- Columbus Speech & Hearing Center. 510 E. North Broadway, Columbus, Ohio 43214. (ph) 614-263-5151.
- Speech Disorder Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. 555 S. 18th St., Suite 6A, Columbus, Ohio. 43205. (ph) 614-722-3975.
- Speech therapy services are available at the Close To Home centers around town (Hilliard, Dublin, Westerville, etc.).
- Audiology Clinic at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Outpatient Care Center. 555 S. 18th St., Suite 2A. Columbus, Ohio. 43205. (ph) 614-722-3951.
- Tanya Sarver, MA – 4668 Huntwicke Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43026. (ph) 614-989-6831. Email: [email protected]
- OhioHealth Rehabilitation Center – Upper Arlington. Speech Therapy. 4664 Larwell Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43220. (ph) 614-566-1111.
- Tricia Mikula, CCC-SLP. 4900 Reed Road, Suite 311, Columbus, Ohio 43220. (ph) 614-378-5430.
Occupational Therapy (OT) & Physical Therapy (PT)
A simplified explanation of the difference: OT focuses on self-care, fine motor, and sensory motor skill; PT focuses on gross motor skills.
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital. 3rd Floor. 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205.
- Occupational therapy (ph) 614-722-4250. Physical therapy (ph) 614-722-4515. Services are available at the various Close To Home centers around town (Hilliard, Dublin, Westerville, etc.). NCH OT and PT require a referral or faxed prescription before setting up the first appointment.
- Allied Therapy Associates, Inc. 4353 Tuller Rd. Dublin, Ohio. 43017. (ph) 614-764-0715.
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital Neuropsychology – 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205. (ph) 614-722-4700.
- Dr. Steven Guy, PhD. 170 Northwoods Blvd., Suite 220, Columbus, Ohio 43235. (ph) 614-848-9708.
- Dr. Andrew Colvin, PhD. 7870 Olentangy River Road, Suite 303, Columbus, Ohio 43235. (ph) 614-430-9870.
- Dr. Carolyn McCreary Patterson, PhD. 6077 Frantz Road, Suite 102, Dublin, Ohio 43017. (ph) 614-734-8675.
Specialty Clinics at Nationwide Children's Hospital
All of them are at the Outpatient Care Center. 555 S. 18th Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205.
- Down Syndrome Clinic. (ph) 614-722-4050.
- Cerebral Palsy Clinic. (ph) 614-722-5136.
- Myelomenigocele/Spina Bifida Clinic. (ph) 614-722-5725.
- Developmental Diagnostics Clinic. (ph) 614-722-4050.
Help Me Grow
- A resource for infants and children birth to 3 years of age here in Ohio that matches children with developmental needs with providers of services.
- Their website is and (ph) 614- 644-8389.
Franklin County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
- This agency provides county-wide educational and support services for those with developmental disabilities and mental retardation.
- Their website is and (ph) 614-342-5490 for their intake office.
- Their main address is 2879 Johnstown Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219 and (ph) 614-475-6440.
Special Needs Preschool
- Many school districts, including the Hilliard City Schools, have a Special Needs Preschool designed to help prepare children 3-5 years of age with developmental delays for educational success and daily independence. Children are screened by a team to see if they are eligible and must have a moderate to severe delay in one or more area: cognitive, communication, social-emotional, motor, pre-academic, hearing, or vision.
- Hilliard City Schools’ Special Needs Preschool is at the Alton Darby Elementary School. The Director is Sharon Balduf and can be reached at (ph) 614-334-1404.
Orthotist (Helmets for Infants with Plagiocephaly)
- Hanger Clinic. Nicholas Igel, LO/CO. 1357 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (ph) 614-481-8338 ext. 7131.
- Cranial Technologies. 500 E. Main Street, Suite 250, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (ph) 844-447-5895.
Last Updated: 05/2019